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Nature Protection and Biodiversity

Stringent international, EU and national legislation for flora and fauna species protection and habitat conservation has a significant impact on many types of businesses.

It also represents a potential opportunity, with growing policy and market moves towards methods of valuing the economic capital of biodiversity.

Projects in or near the EU-wide Natura 2000 network of protected areas may be subject to specific permitting regimes or restrictive conditions. Even existing businesses may be impacted by the presence of protected species. At the same time, forward looking companies may also be interested in taking advantage of market measures to monetise the natural capital of land and ecosystems within their control.

Members of the International Environment, Climate and Regulatory Law Group in Allen & Overy's international network of offices are well-placed to assist with what is often considered one of the most complex and detailed areas of environmental law, advising on both the international framework and the national implementing legislation for nature protection. Recent experiences include advice to, and risk assessments for, power and infrastructure projects, both nationally and in cross- and near-border contexts.

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