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Environmental Disclosure and Corporate Environmental Transparency

With a mass of new and changing legislation in this area, environmental issues and transparency initiatives continue to be a headline issue for boardrooms.

SEC reporting requirements on environmental issues, new EU transparency requirements and obligations to report on environmental impacts and standards in annual reports, are just a couple of examples.

Allen & Overy’s environmental and regulatory law experts advise on all types of environmental disclosure requirements and associated problems, such as commercial confidentiality. Whether the issue of disclosure arises in respect of a statutory or permit based obligation, as a result of a request from a regulator or even under pressure from interested stakeholders, Allen & Overy’s sector specific knowledge helps clients grappling with the legal and commercial implications, particularly in relation to business sensitive matters.

The ability to obtain information from government and public bodies which may concern your business or the business of others is both a positive and negative development. We can advise on exactly what "freedom of access to information" might mean for you, and how defences, like commercial confidentiality and national security, come into play.

News and insights

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News: 27 March 2024

Allen & Overy conseille Orano sur le lancement avec Supernova Invest du fonds Orano Venture Fund dédié à la transition industrielle souveraine et durable

Allen & Overy a conseillé Orano, groupe international reconnu dans le domaine des matières nucléaires, dans le cadre du lancement avec Supernova Invest du fonds d’investissement Orano Venture Fund qui…

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Publications: 15 November 2023

Les risques associés à la mise en oeuvre de CSRD doivent être anticipés

De nombreuses entreprises engagent le chantier de la mise en œuvre de la directive du 14 décembre 2022 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), leur imposant la publication annuelle d’un…

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Publications: 29 June 2022

Vers un « green deal » européen ?

Un éventail de propositions politiques et législatives vise à rendre l’Europe « neutre sur le plan climatique » d’ici à 2050. Romaric Lazerges et Arthur Sauzay, avocats au cabinet Allen & Overy, nous…

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