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We advise on the environmental and health and safety impacts of bulk and specialty chemicals in various uses and applications and the potential regulatory and liability issues associated with them.

Our multi-jurisdictional chemicals practice group has a strong record of advising a number of leading multinational chemicals companies, as well as downstream users of chemicals across different sectors on sensitive issues surrounding the regulatory/liability risks arising from their products and services.

We have worked extensively on Europe’s REACH regime. This has included advice on:

  • registration obligations in complex supply chains
  • disclosure of information to regulators and third parties
  • analysis of trading operations to determine REACH obligations
  • the authorisation powers (and the inclusion of substances on the candidate list) including related legal challenges
  • Safety Data Sheets
  • REACH audits by regulators
  • supply chain terms

We provide advice on developments under the CLP Regulation and track and advise on the development of equivalent global requirements.

News and insights

Aerial view of a circular maze

News: 27 March 2024

Allen & Overy conseille Orano sur le lancement avec Supernova Invest du fonds Orano Venture Fund dédié à la transition industrielle souveraine et durable

Allen & Overy a conseillé Orano, groupe international reconnu dans le domaine des matières nucléaires, dans le cadre du lancement avec Supernova Invest du fonds d’investissement Orano Venture Fund qui…

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Artists impression of a major development

Publications: 15 November 2023

Les risques associés à la mise en oeuvre de CSRD doivent être anticipés

De nombreuses entreprises engagent le chantier de la mise en œuvre de la directive du 14 décembre 2022 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), leur imposant la publication annuelle d’un…

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Solar panels

Publications: 29 June 2022

Vers un « green deal » européen ?

Un éventail de propositions politiques et législatives vise à rendre l’Europe « neutre sur le plan climatique » d’ici à 2050. Romaric Lazerges et Arthur Sauzay, avocats au cabinet Allen & Overy, nous…

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