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State Aid

The law governing the aid that governments in the 27 EU Member States provide to the private sector is an increasingly important specialist area within EU competition law. Few can match our breadth and depth of experience. In fact, we helped to set the legal framework for state aid in the EU.

The recent spate of bank mergers and rescues has highlighted the importance of this area of law and has raised challenging issues around the interaction of state aid, merger control and government action to protect financial stability. Our international antitrust team has been at the heart of these issues.

Our understanding of the Commission's position in this area is reflected in our selection to update the Directorate General for Competition's report on the Application of the EC state aid law by the Member State courts, having drafted the original report in 1999.

We advise clients throughout the complaint or approval process, and where required provide representation before the national and European courts.

We have wide experience of acting for governments and other public sector bodies, as well for aid beneficiaries and lenders on a variety of complex financial transactions giving rise to state aid issues.

News and insights

high-rise blue toned steel and glass sky scraper with internal footbridge between buildings

News: 29 February 2024

Rapport 2023 du cabinet Allen & Overy sur les tendances globales en matière de contrôle des concentrations : Les autorités de concurrence poursuivent leur analyse accrue des opérations de concentration

Allen & Overy, cabinet international d'avocats d’affaires de premier plan, publie l’édition 2023 de son rapport « Global Trends in Merger Control Enforcement », qui analyse les tendances en matière de…

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Famous skyscrapers in the financial district of London

Publications: 19 October 2023

Exploitation abusive d’une position dominante par violation du RGPD

A l’occasion d’une question préjudicielle posée par le tribunal régional supérieur de Düsseldorf, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a dit pour droit, le 4 juillet 2023, qu’une autorité…

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Traffic moving through a metropolis at night

Publications: 21 March 2023

Rapport "Antitrust Enforcement" 2022 : Des amendes en baisse à l’échelle mondiale, après une année 2021 record

Dans une analyse couvrant 29 juridictions, le rapport « Global Antitrust Enforcement » d’Allen & Overy, cabinet international d'avocats d’affaires de premier plan, présente les tendances 2022 en…

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Publications: 21 July 2022

Acquisition de GRAIL par Illumina : le Tribunal de l’UE donne son feu vert à la nouvelle politique de renvoi de la Commission

Le Tribunal de l’UE a rendu un arrêt historique ce 13 juillet 2022 en confirmant la décision de la Commission européenne (la Commission) acceptant une demande de renvoi émanant de la France (et de…

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