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Compliance and Counselling

There has been a dramatic shift in antitrust and competition law in recent years. Antitrust law is becoming more contentious and the penalties are becoming potentially huge.

Having an successful compliance policy is vital to the prevention of anti-competitive conduct by employees. Implementing such a policy goes beyond the publication of a list of do's and don'ts. It also includes education of staff, regular updating and communication of applicable standards and procedures, periodic compliance trainings and certifications, dawn raid simulations and internal audits. 

We help companies to develop sound risk management strategies and to adopt and implement effective compliance policies. This includes formulating and updating guidelines, giving staff presentations and training and performing simulations. We also assist our clients in conducting in-depth audits if anti-competitive conduct is suspected or as part of a due diligence process.

Given the continuing proliferation of national antitrust regimes, the increasing number of authorities actively pursuing antitrust cases and the growing magnitude of antitrust penalties, internationally operating companies should ensure that their compliance efforts meet the highest standards. Our global presence and local expertise enable us to offer clients first rate assistance in developing local and cross-border compliance programmes. 

News and insights

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News: 29 February 2024

Rapport 2023 du cabinet Allen & Overy sur les tendances globales en matière de contrôle des concentrations : Les autorités de concurrence poursuivent leur analyse accrue des opérations de concentration

Allen & Overy, cabinet international d'avocats d’affaires de premier plan, publie l’édition 2023 de son rapport « Global Trends in Merger Control Enforcement », qui analyse les tendances en matière de…

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Publications: 19 October 2023

Exploitation abusive d’une position dominante par violation du RGPD

A l’occasion d’une question préjudicielle posée par le tribunal régional supérieur de Düsseldorf, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a dit pour droit, le 4 juillet 2023, qu’une autorité…

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Traffic moving through a metropolis at night

Publications: 21 March 2023

Rapport "Antitrust Enforcement" 2022 : Des amendes en baisse à l’échelle mondiale, après une année 2021 record

Dans une analyse couvrant 29 juridictions, le rapport « Global Antitrust Enforcement » d’Allen & Overy, cabinet international d'avocats d’affaires de premier plan, présente les tendances 2022 en…

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Publications: 21 July 2022

Acquisition de GRAIL par Illumina : le Tribunal de l’UE donne son feu vert à la nouvelle politique de renvoi de la Commission

Le Tribunal de l’UE a rendu un arrêt historique ce 13 juillet 2022 en confirmant la décision de la Commission européenne (la Commission) acceptant une demande de renvoi émanant de la France (et de…

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