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Pension systems are exposed to legal risks in particular in the event of:

  • amendments to pension schemes with adjustments of acquired rights;
  • pension adjustment reviews in line with section 16 of the German Act for the Improvement of Company Pension Schemes (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung) (since they are extremely prone to error);
  • court claims brought by pensioners or employees, often after several decades and which, due to their precedential nature, frequently trigger mass claims that carry high potential damage.

Company pension schemes (betriebliche Altersversorgung) thus constitute a key compliance issue for businesses.

The lawyers in our German Pensions Group can advise you on all legal aspects of company pension schemes and also work closely with our leading experts in the Corporate, Tax and Corporate Insurance practice groups in this context. As part of our Global Pensions Group, we offer cross-border expertise on company pension schemes in 14 countries with over 65 specialist lawyers.
