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Hong Kong Cyber-Fraud First Response Tool
Hong Kong Cyber-Fraud First Response Tool

Hong Kong Cyber Fraud Portal

The volume of cyber fraud attacks worldwide is greater than it has ever been and Hong Kong is one of the primary destinations for the proceeds of fraud to be transferred to.

In response, our Hong Kong Litigation team has created the Hong Kong Cyber Portal – a free, web-based tool that guides the victims of cyber fraud (or their representatives) through the immediate steps that they should take following the discovery of a fraud. 

After answering a number of questions about the circumstances of the fraud, the users of the Portal can download a set of populated documents ready to be sent to the authorities in Hong Kong, as well as the bank that holds the misappropriated funds, requesting that the account be frozen. 

Please note that the Portal only applies where the misappropriated funds are held in a bank account in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Cyber-Fraud First Response Tool Play Video Hong Kong Cyber-Fraud First Response Tool

Watch: how does the Portal work

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