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Slovak parliament rejects draft law which would soften regulation of CBD (cannabidiol)

In August 2019, the Slovak government introduced a draft law which suggested removing CBD (cannabidiol) from the list of psychotropic substances. The draft law therefore attempted to make CBD a non-regulated substance.

The draft law was, however, subsequently rejected by the Slovak parliament. Act No. 139/1998 Coll. (the  Narcotics Act) places CBD in the same category as THC, amphetamine, cocaine and morphine. These current developments unfortunately suggest that the situation is unlikely to change, at least for some time.

Slovakia is the only country in the EU where CBD is a regulated substance. CBD has been on the list of psychotropic substances since 2011, when it was allegedly added by mistake. Attempts to remove it have so far been unsuccessful, but it should be noted that no sophisticated discussion preceded the rejection of the draft law.

It remains to be seen whether the new government (expected to be formed in spring 2020) will take an interest in opening a sophisticated debate on the issue of CBD and push to remove it from the list of illegal substances.