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The developing cryptoasset landscape in the UAE podcast: Spotlight on distributed ledger technology

One of the key advantages of distributed ledger technology (DLT) networks is that they eliminate the need for a central authority to keep a check against manipulation. The very nature of a decentralised ledger makes them immune to cyber-crime, as all the copies stored across the network need to be attacked at the same time for the attack to be successful, which is practically impossible.

In this episode, Middle East based senior associates Victoria Ferres (Financial Services Regulatory) and Ravinder Mattu (Technology and Data Protection) focus on DLT, blockchain technology and tokenisation including its advantages, disadvantages and practical applications in the UAE. 

This podcast will be of interest to anyone involved in the crypto space or who is seeking to become involved in the crypto sector in the UAE, or in the broader GCC region.

This podcast forms part of a series where we will be focusing on key considerations relevant to the developing cryptoasset landscape in the UAE. 


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